Progress Futures

Welcome to the my.progressfuture portal, providing you with the resources and help you need to succeed.

This portal and our dedicated team are here to give clear direction and guidance.

Log in or register to complete your details and continue your journey.

This portal can give you the information and resources that will help you to secure the education, training and career you’re looking for.

By signing up, you will get full access to the support available.


Not Registered?

Looking to make a change through volunteering, training, apprenticeship, or education? Start here.


Go further

Access lots of useful information, guidance, tools, and resources to help you get on

One to one support

Our expert coaches are on hand if you need extra support

Easy to use

Store all your job search and related activities in one place

Completely free

If you live in a Progress Housing Group home or you are on one of our programmes

What is Progress Futures?

Progress Futures is a free service offered by Progress Housing Group that helps tenants and families access volunteering, training, or education and improve their employment prospects, moving them into sustainable careers.

This service is also available if you are on the More Positive Together or Building Better Opportunities Programme .

More Positive Together Logo
ESF Logo
National Lottery Community Fund Logo

If you would like information on any of our programmes, please email

We have helped over 1000 people so far to change their lives